

Pain-Tendo or known as Deva Path used by Nagato in Naruto. As he was crippled during his fierce battle with Hanzo Salamander, he had to use and manipulate the corpse of his dead friend Yahiko for the Deva path. Pain-Tendo has to ability to control the attractive and repulsive forces. However, these both forces can’t be used simultaneously. Pain-Tendo is considered one of the Super Rare Ninja in Naruto Online.

Let’s take a look at the abilities of  Pain-Tendo.

Attribute: Lightning

Special Abilities: [Evade one Standard Attack Each Round] [Immune to Ninjutsu] [Mystery Immune to Interruption]

Chase Effect: [Knockdown] [Acupuncture]

Chase Trigger: [Knockdown] [Repulse]

Number of Chases: 2 Chase


Pain-Tendo Abilities Overview


Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Catastrophic Planetary Devastation: Once this Barrier disappears, the opponent’s entire team will suffer heavy Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage. Also, those units will suffer from Knockdown. This skill is immune to Interruption.
Standard Attack

Taijutsu Taijutsu Attack: Attacks the opponent’s front row and has a chance of a 3 COMBO and to cause Knockdown.

Ninjutsu Chakra Black Receivers: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Acupuncture and Knockdown.

Taijutsu Almighty Push: Evade a Standard Attack each round with a high chance of success. Character is immune to Non-Elemental attribute Ninjutsu damage. (Double-Elemental attribute skills can cause this unit heavy damage).

Ninjutsu Universal Pull: Chases and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown, triggered twice each round.


How to get  Pain-Tendo

The best way to get Pain Tendo is from the Tendo Treasure which requires 400-500 seal scroll draws to get Pain-Tendo. However, if you get Hashirama Senju in the first cycle, you need to draw another 400-500 scrolls to get Pain-Tendo. When you take part in Ultimate training, you will get Pain-Tendo ninja fragments.

About the author


Taking the initiative to help newbies to have enjoyable Naruto Online game.