I have already added Konan [Angel of God] once it was added to the server. You can read more about Konan on that post. We will directly move to the abilities of normal Konan.
Let’s take a look at Konan abilities.
Attribute: Wind
Special Abilities: [Tag] [High Evasion to evade first Standard Attack each rond] [Increase Resistance For 9 Akatsuki units] [Increases Attack and Ninjutsu of 9 Akatsuki units, lasts 3 rounds]
Chase Effect: [Knockdown] [Tag] [10 COMBO]
Chase Trigger: [Knockdown]
Number of Chases: 1 Chase
Konan Abilities Overview
Ninjutsu | Shikigami Dance – Punishment [Prompt]: Causes Heavy Ninjutsu damage to up to 9 units under Tag from the opponent’s formations, the selected unit will also suffer from Knockdown. |
Standard Attack
Taijutsu | Paper Blizzard: Attacks the opponent’s units in the front row and causes Tag, this attack might also cause 3 COMBO and Knockdown. |
Taijutsu | Paper Clone: High chance of evading the first Standard Attack received each round. |
Ninjutsu | Angel of God: At the beginning of a battle, generates a Shield of up to 9 Akatsuki units from your field based on 40% of each unit’s Resistance base attribute. Their Ninjutsu and Attack attributes will also be increased by 30%, lasts for 3 rounds. |
Taijutsu | Angelic Advent: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Knockdown and 10 COMBO, a selected target will suffer from Tag. |
How to Get Konan
You can get Konan from the Seal Treasure, Tendo Treasure (if never encountered so far) and Group Shop. As for Seal Treasure it will cost 20-40 seal scrolls to get Konan. I’m not sure about Tendo Treasure as I’ve never encountered Konan before. Lastly, it will cost 1500 points in Group Shop for 5 Konan fragments